Kyle & Co Office Organizing

We are back again with all the details on our newest project.

We had the greatest pleasure of working with Lauren Kyle of Kyle & Co Design. Lauren is an interior designer in Edmonton, Alberta (our hometown). She has an amazing eye for all things aesthetic and design. She is always keeping things clean, cool and rich. Her use of mediums with woods, marbles and unique design elements makes Kyle & Co the ultimate designer to work with in Edmonton. We could not be more excited to work with Lauren and her company but also have the chance to work in our hometown of Edmonton. We are so grateful that Lauren wanted to work with us at The Bare Abode to organize her new office!

Lauren and her company Kyle & Co recently just moved into their new office space in downtown Edmonton. The building is an old converted heritage building turned into offices, shops and even a brewery. The design of Laurens office is all things white and clean (which we love). Keeping it simple with the all white walls and the beautiful herringbone oak floors - this space is absolute perfection.

During this project, Laurens main goal was to have all the samples of tiles, woods, metals, fabric etc.. organized. Making this space the perfect place for clients to come in for meetings and consultations. Making each element easy to find and aesthetically pleasing.

Keeping scrolling to see all the details from this stunning project.


This fabric swatch wall has to be our favourite part of this whole project. Keeping it super clean and simple. We organized this fabric wall by colour first (our favourite) then by fabric type. Keeping it super easy to find the sample you are looking for. We used these super affordable BLACK S HOOKS that were absolutely perfect for this. They are thin and strong to hold a good amount of weight. You can use them for almost anything. Hanging jeans, accessories in closets, pots and pans - they are super versatile product for all things organizing.

Alongside the sample closet we also organized her samples drawers. They are filled with tiles, flooring, metals, countertops, cupboards and so much more. We found the most perfect SHALLOW BINS from Bed Bath & Beyond that worked so great in these IKEA drawers. They are shallow enough that you can put items perfectly in there and nothing will move. Making sure that all the samples were easy to take out was a main goal for this space. Making it simple for Lauren and her clients to see all of the options.

All in all - this space was such a fun one to work on. We love that this project was so different from most home projects we do. Let alone it being the most stunning place, Lauren and her team were an absolute pleasure to work with. A true dream client.

We also have another exciting project we did with Lauren so stay tuned for that one too!
Keep following us on Instagram and our blog for all details from our projects.

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Connor & Lauren’s Pantry


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