Liv Judd Styling Closet Makeover

Welcome back TBA admirers!

We have a new project that we cant wait to share with you guys. We got to help Liv Judd organize her styling closet.

If you don’t follow Liv or know who she is… run don’t walk. Liv is a fashion and beauty expert with more than 15 years in the industry. She has contributed to many publications Flare, Hello Canada, LOULOU magazine and more! Liv has been an early adopter of all social media platforms. She loves sharing her daily outfits with beauty products and adorable fashion pairings. Let alone her great taste in beauty & fashion, she is one of a kind. She is incredibly sweet,kind, generous and overall an incredible person. Liv was on our “Dream Clients” list and we are so lucky we had the chance to work with her on this incredible project. So keep reading along on how we go to transform this styling closet into one of her dreams spaces in her home.

Here is the BEFORE! Keep reading and scrolling for the end results.

Being an content creator is a job unlike many others - working with Liv we knew we had to build out a space that worked with this lifestyle. Building out an area for incoming products, outgoing returns, paid partnerships was very important. Her closet is very different than many others and we had to make this closet a working space.

We have been following Liv for quite sometime and saw her Instagram story about her doing a huge purge and needing to re-organize her styling closet. As fast we could type we DM’d Liv on Instagram. Shortly after we got on a quick call and chatted a bit about the space. As with all of our projects we love to do an initial consult, go into the space and build out a plan for us and what products we need to buy for the transformation. 2 days later we were in the space and ready to go.

Our process of organizing is quite simple. So we are going to share our 4 step process to organize any space in your home.

CLEAN OUT - purge, empty spaces
ARRANGE - like with like, containment, placement
LABEL - general label, mico label
MAINTAIN - accountability, time

Liv gets ALOT of beauty products gifted to her for partnerships and just to try out and see if she likes them. It was practically a Shoppers Drug Mart in this closet. Any beauty junkies dream. But out goal was that we wanted to build out simple, easy and clean systems for Liv to maintain for when she receives more product and knows exactly where it goes.. Our first homework assignment to Liv was to purge all of the things she did not want. ( We do this with all of our clients so that we can come in the space and only organize what we are keeping ) Lets just say she did an INCREDIBLE job - she is just as ruthless with herself and purging as we would have been. This makes our job a lot easier.

After emptying out each drawer, nook and cranny we always organize like with like. Arranging everything into piles of like items gives you an idea of how much space you are going to need for each one. Liv had an IKEA Pax system already in her closet with shelves, drawers and tons of bins and organizing products - so we did not need to buy much. Finding the perfect spot for each item is a challenge. All we can say is that it is a trial and error method. Choosing different organizing products in different places and seeing what works. Liv had these great IKEA bins already in her space - so we used everything she already had to bring costs down and be ECO!

This is our favourite step. There is no point in organizing if after you are done - you don’t know where anything goes except by memory. Labels keep your mind and motivation in check. This simple step make it easy for anyone coming in your house to know exactly where things are and where they go. For Liv’s beauty products we always use our trusty Brother P Touch labeller. It make simple, clean and thin labels. We labelled each drawer with the items that is in it, getting as specific as we could so Liv knew exactly where everything goes even when we are gone. For the larger bins in the closet - we made our Custom TBA Clear Labels. These labels we make custom to our client and their spaces.We also added dividers to all the clothing racks to separate the categories and keep them organized.

This is by far the most important step. Keeping yourself accountable for the work you just did or paid to get done is key. Making sure that it is organized to your lifestyle and you make this step important. We always make sure that when we organize we are not making it so unattainable that the client wont be able to keep it up. Some clients want it insanely organized - and we can do that too! But making sure that the systems work with our client and their lifestyle is what is going to make it last.

We know how important it is so build spaces in your home that make your life easier and calm. That is always our goal. Thank you so much for reading along and all of the products we used in this project are linked below.

If you are interested in getting your closet, kitchen, pantry, bathroom, storage and more organized fill out our consult form here.
We cant wait to get started on transforming your space. Mention Liv’s name for 15% off of our services.

Sam & Peyton


Kyle & Co Office Organizing


Everything TBA Labels