Collins Closet with Lauren Rodych- Eberle

Hello TBA Admirers!

We are so excited to show your our newest virtual project with the sweet Lauren Rodych-Eberle. If you don’t know who Lauren is… you should. She is an amazing woman who is the master at everything. She is a music teacher, blogger, mom and NHL wife. She is a woman on the go and constantly in new places. She is a woman who wears many hats and wears them all flawlessly.

This project we got to work with Lauren on her daughter Collins closet. Lauren is our very first virtual client! After doing an initial consult with her via Google Meet we planned out what needed to be done and bought for the space.. Sending her links to items we love and think could work in the space. We love to give our client options with price points and aesthetic. After a few emails and video chats we finally got it to the place that Lauren was hoping for and has the classic TBA look. Lauren definitely has the organization bone in her body but she just needed a little help fine tuning.

Keep reading on how we transformed Collins closet in just a few short days!


Collins Dresser
This beautiful little dresser didn’t need much. Lauren already had all the organizational items that we needed. So making it perfect didn’t take much time at all. We love to use the IKEA Drawer Dividers. They are affordable and fit every space perfectly for organizing.

Showing Lauren our file fold system was an easy little tip that made a huge difference. Little things surprisingly make the biggest impact.
Not being able to go in and do our signature TBA folds and organizing was definitely a challenge but we made it work. Working with our clients and their lifestyle is the most important.

Collins Closet
Collins closet is quite big. It has tons of hanging space and many shelves to put stuff on. Our main goal with this area was to build out sections and areas to put stuff that make sense. Lauren really liked the idea of aesthetically pleasing bins that could keep what she needed organized but also look good. We used these Small Bins and Large Bins from Amazon. They are super versatile working in any space because of their neutral colour tones and texture.

The top area we kept for storage. Lauren is planning on having many more babies and she wants to keep all of her baby clothes for the future. Having an area where you can put clothes that no longer fit in a bin is a great idea. We also sent her our Custom TBA Labels to put on her Bin Clips to keep everything extremely organized.

The side shelves we wanted to categorize items that she used but didn’t have a place for. This side area is a great place to put things that you want to be accessible. We put swaddles, blankets, bedding etc on the side. Having nice bins to put them in makes it look great and super functional.

The hanging area was a super quick and easy fix. We changed out all the hangers. Changed her hanging direction and added clothing dividers from Etsy. This super quick and easy change made a huge difference.


We are absolutely thrilled with the final results. It was overall an amazing and new experience. We are so happy that we got to help Lauren on this project. We are also so proud of Lauren! She was able to take everything we showed her and taught her and she made her own space so beautiful with the help of us at TBA.

With COVID and the ability to see people in person, we had to come up with a new and creative way to still help our clients achieve the house and space they desire. We now offer Virtual consultations and projects!

We hope you loved this project just as much as we did. We cant wait to work with Lauren again. She was the sweetest client and Collins was always there to help!
TBA loves to hear anything you have to say so leave us a comment below or email us at

Peyton & Sam


Everything TBA Labels


Simple & Clean Closet